This week we are recognising the contribution of all females in our football community. Be it players, coaches and managers, committee members and generally any female who contributes in any way in football.
Albury Hotspurs was the first local (AWFA) club to have a female football team and has constantly encouraged women and girls to participate in football.
Today we have over 100 female players, from open age women to Miniroos.
Our Female teams include;
Div.1 Women
Div.2 Women
U17 Girls
U14 Girls
U12 Girls
U7 Gold
U7 Pink
U8 Gold
U6 Pink
Miniross Girls playing in mixed teams 5-11 years.
We will be hosting Boomers FC across some teams but our Senior Ladies will be playing arch rivals United at 11:20am on Aloysius. Post this game we will be cutting some cake in celebration before we witness our youngest females the U12 girls playing for points against Wangaratta on Lambert.
Olivia will be putting on some great Canteen specials for Mothers Day so those involved can make a day of it.
#GoSpurs #FFW #FemaleFootballWeek